

We all need facts to make informed decisions. That’s where the science part of our work comes into play. Relationships are intangible assets and difficult to measure. But this does not stop us from trying for constantly improving and innovating engagement metrics and measurement methods.

Throughout our various Stakeholder Assessments and Corporate Listening Analyses, we can support you to better understand the level of engagement, the relational needs and gaps, as well as inform you in an evidence-based way how to design successfully your transformation management.

  • Collaborative Leadership Assessment
    Our unique Collaborative Leadership Assessment (CLA) can be a good starting point for your transformation process. This standardized stand-alone online-engagement survey builds on our own research and measures the level of shared understanding and commitment among your leader community. Find out more

  • Corporate Listening Analysis
    Using qualitative scientific standards we "listen" to your identified key stakeholders - inside or outside the organization - either with an open-ended online-questionnaire or in semi-structured phone interviews. We craft the questions related to your engagement goals in focus and provide you with a comprehensive report. Find out more

  • Perception Gap Analysis
    Together with your management or project leaders we design a rating-based online survey where you can identify gaps in how you and your key stakeholder groups perceive the relationship. Perceptions gaps are the best predictor of whether parties will continue to engage or not in the process. It informs you where actions are needed.

  • Engagement Score-Card
    Together with your management or project leaders we evaluate your transformation engagement progress. We help you to design and put in place the right measures and key performance indicators to track the progress, impact and success of your engagement efforts.